Acne Bar Soap

Acne Bar Soap

Cinnamon Bar Soap

Cinnamon Bar Soap

Calendula Oatmeal Bar Soap

Calendula Oatmeal: This is a wonderfully healing, soothing soap that's great for itching and skin rashes. Also works great on hair and scalp.
Bar Soaps-Calendula Oatmeal

Calendula Oatmeal: This is a wonderfully healing, soothing soap that's great for itching and skin rashes. Also works great on hair and scalp.

Natural, all vegetable soap. Healing, pure and toxin-free. All of our castile soaps are pH neutral. These bar soaps are "hair to toe" perfect. The exception is a woman's face (guys skin is thicker).

Our suggestions for hair and body: Any of our bar soaps are amazing. Since everyone is different, you may like one better than another. Barb prefers the Lavender Bar soap on her hair. I use different ones and have not found any that don't work well on the scalp.

More Information
ingredients basic soap: water, saponified olive oil, saponified coconut oil, saponified palm oil, saponified sunflower oil, cocoa butter, rosemary oil extract with oats, calendula flowers.